The Anti-LARPers Manifesto w/ Freddie DeBoer

John E Miller
Sep 6, 2020

A Clip from about 4 minutes from the end

“21st century America is not 1917 Russia, its not Cuba in the 1950’s. The material conditions are different. The federal government has satellites that can read your t-shirt from space.

— You can’t punch that Satellite?

You can’t punch that satellite, you can’t punch a predator drone, You can try to punch a cop in body armor made out of stuff that is in a space shuttle if you want, but the ability of regular people to mount meaningful resistance to established governments, particularly in the developed world, has changed. And also the fact of the matter is, for all the problems with the United States, many people in this country, even good decent people who want change, have really bought into the establishment narrative and are not gonna get on board with your revolution. So it’s time to put that fantasy aside…I mean, I get it, things are so bad its natural to wanna gravitate towards a real break and violence or whatever, but I’m afraid I have bad news, you are never going to get to fire a gun to defeat capitalism, and if you try to do it you’ll be dead very quickly, that’s reality.”

